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TODO List:
- Most of the todo list
Replace ID of things with classes to spaghettify everything
Separate the CSS into multiple files
- Figure out how to add snowflakes by default in boxes
- Do something with the floating box of annoyance
- Optimize the snowflakes css
- Beautify the todo page
Improve directories
- Different BGs/BGM for every single page
- Add glow to box snowflakes
Make links not blue/purple and instead increase in size/glow when highlighted
Painstakingly done
- Give boxes an ice themed css
- Make the guestbook work
- move some? snow behind boxes
- I forgot but it was important
Waste 30mins-1h trying to make audio autoplay on chrome
- Add/make pic for site tab
- h2/3 css with their own fonts | seriously I have way too many fonts
- Neat pic gallery
- Add new bg to about
- Add new music to about
- Move contact page as footer for every page
- styles for about
die inside because 1/3 of it didn't save
- reorganize todo list so it's easier to manage
- master comedic timing
learn how to collapse boxes so they won't be such an eyesore
- revamp the todo list look| isn't this the 3rd thing mentioning todo list
- add version numbers to css|too annoying lma
- figure out what to do with things written while sleep deprived that wrong
- make more obvious that collapsables are a thing | partially painfully done
- change color of collapsed HR line thing
- make a text shadow moving animation
- add tweaks from main to sub-sites
- change main site music?
- make a music list on about:site
- improve music player
pause music for like 1s so the volume doesn't snapI have no idea when I did this??
How do i rotate text in ms paint